Metadata Dictionary Subset
Stellar Cyber monitors your network to collect and respond to data reported from multiple sources such as network packets, endpoint telemetry, cloud logs, and threat intelligence feeds. Each type of data is handled differently before being populated into a standardized set of fields referred to as metadata. Where applicable, and based on your configuration and the type of content, the data may be de-duplicated, normalized, and enriched as it passes through sensors and the data processor, on its way to becoming part of an Interflow record.
The following tables list the metadata dictionary field names in the Stellar Cyber Interflow record, their description, and data type.
You can use these fields as part of your searches or queries that you build, along with vendor specific fields and values.

Field Name | Description | Data Type |
_id2 | Elasticsearch ID of the earlier of two login records | string |
_index2 | Elasticsearch index of the earlier of two login records | string |
accumulated_anomalous_failures | Score value of TRW model, showing the degree of abnormal activities | integer |
actual | Real value input for machine learning (ML) to process | integer |
actual_range | Actual login time range | string |
anomaly_id |
Elasticsearch ID of the data that caused the anomaly |
string |
days_silent |
Time intervals between latest two appearances |
integer |
detected_field |
Identification field of the detection |
string |
detected_fields |
Identification field of the detection |
list |
detected_value |
Identification field's value of the detection |
string |
detected_values |
Identification field's value of the detection |
list |
detector_index |
Detector index in ML detections |
integer |
distance_deviation |
Distance deviation between two login geo locations |
float |
diversity |
Metric of a parent node's unique child nodes, the higher value, the more unique child nodes it has |
integer |
end_bucket_time |
End timestamp of the data that caused the anomaly, combines with start_bucket_time to form a time range of data |
timestamp |
event_name |
Event name for the job |
string |
event_score |
Event score, combination of severity, fidelity, and threat_score |
float |
event_status |
Current status of a given event record |
string |
event_summary |
Namespace for summarized data points from records contributing to an alert |
object |
fidelity |
How confident that machine learning thinks the attack is happening |
float |
last_login_time |
Login time of the earlier of two login records |
timestamp |
login_failure_rate |
Rate of login failures per minutes in a fixed period |
float |
num_failed |
Number of fail in current bucket |
integer |
num_successful |
Number of success in current bucket |
integer |
orig_id |
Elasticsearch ID of the data that caused the anomaly |
string |
orig_index |
Elasticsearch index of the data that caused the anomaly |
string |
percent_failed |
Fail percentage = num_fail / (num_failed + num_successful) |
float |
possible_breached_ips |
List of source IP addresses that have suspicious activities |
list |
query_count |
Number of DNS queries in a tunnel |
integer |
severity |
How serious is the event when it occurs |
integer |
srcip_geo2 |
Geo location of the earlier of two login records |
object |
stability |
Update frequency of a parent node's number of child nodes, the higher value, the lower frequency |
integer |
start_bucket_time |
Start timestamp of the data that caused the anomaly |
timestamp |
stellar.alert_time |
Time the anomaly was detected |
timestamp |
stellar.confidence |
Prediction output from the SVM classifier |
float |
stellar.detection_time |
Original write_time - new write_time from pipeline, indicating the total time from the Original Records being written to ES to the time of alert creation |
timestamp |
stellar.nearest_geo |
Previous login location nearest to the alerted login location |
object |
stellar.nearest_geo_info |
Count and frequency of logins from the nearest login location |
object |
stellar.rule_id |
Identifier of the rule triggering an alert |
string |
stellar.threshold |
Threshold used for detection |
float |
suspicious_ips |
List of suspicious IP addresses that could do credential stuffing to a cloud service |
list |
time_deviation |
Time deviation between two login times |
float |
total_entropy |
Total entropy of DNS queries in a tunnel |
float |
travel_speed |
Travel speed between two login locations |
float |
typical |
Typical value that machine learning calculated |
integer |
typical_range |
Typical login time range |
string |
unknown_users_rate |
Rate of unknown login usernames per minutes in a fixed period |
float |
unknown_users_to_login_failures |
Ratio of unknown usernames in login failures in a fixed period |
float |
xdr_event |
XDR kill chain info of each alert, such as kill chain stage, tactic, technique, and so on |
object |

Field Name | Description | Data Type |
action | Action to be taken | string |
aella_tuples | Concatenated field of srcip+dstip+dstport+appid | string |
appid | ID of an application (>3,000 apps) identified by DPI engine | long |
appid_family | Name of the application family to which the application belongs | string |
appid_name | Name of an application (>3,000 apps) identified by DPI engine | string |
appid_stdport | Indicates if application is using the standard port | string |
appid_tags |
Tags of the application |
list |
direction |
Direction of maltrace event |
string |
domain_list |
List of domain |
list_of_string |
domain_reputation |
Encoded string of a list of domain reputation separated by commas |
string |
dscp_name |
Name describing the commonly used DSCP values in RFC 2475 |
string |
dstip |
Destination IP address of the session |
ip |
dstip_aella_flag |
Flag to indicate how the IP address will be processed in following pipeline |
integer |
dstip_domain_creation |
Creation time of the domains associated with the IP address |
date |
dstip_geo |
Geo location information for the destination IP address |
object |
dstip_geo_point |
Geo point of the destination IP address |
string |
dstip_host |
Hostname or DNS name for the destination IP address |
string |
dstip_sig_id |
Signature ID concatenated with dstip |
string |
dstip_tag |
Asset tag associated with the destination IP address |
string |
dstip_type |
Type of the destination IP address |
string |
dstip_username |
Username associated with the destination IP address |
string |
dstip_usersid |
User ID associated with the destination IP address, for windows, windows SID is used |
string |
dstip_version |
Indicates if the destination IP address is IPv4 or IPv6 |
string |
dstmac |
Destination MAC address |
string |
dstport |
Layer 4 destination port |
integer |
duration |
Session duration in milliseconds |
integer |
end_reason |
Reason the session ended |
integer |
hostip |
IP address the endpoint is using |
ip |
hostip_assetid |
Asset ID associated with the IP address |
string |
hostip_domain_creation |
Creation time of the domains associated with the IP address |
date |
hostip_geo |
Geo location information for the host IP address |
object |
hostip_geo_point |
Geo point of the host IP address |
string |
hostip_host |
Host name of the host IP address |
string |
hostip_reputation |
Reputation of the IP address |
string |
hostip_reputation_source |
Source of the reputation data |
string |
hostip_sig_id |
Signature ID concatenated with hostip |
string |
hostip_tag |
Asset tag associated with the IP address |
string |
hostip_type |
Type of the host IP address |
string |
hostip_username |
Username associated with the IP address |
string |
hostip_usersid |
User ID associated with the IP address, for windows, windows SID is used |
string |
hostip_version |
Indicates if the IP address is IPv4 or IPv6 |
string |
icmp_type |
ICMP message type |
string |
in_bytes_delta |
Same as inbytes_delta |
integer |
in_bytes_total |
Same as inbytes_total |
integer |
in_rate |
Incoming traffic rate, which is in_bytes_delta / <stats update time interval> |
float |
inbytes_delta |
Number of bytes received by client from the server since last update time |
integer |
inbytes_total |
Number of bytes received by client from the server during the whole session |
integer |
inpkts_delta |
Number of packets received by client from the server since last update time |
integer |
inpkts_total |
Number of packets received by client from the server during the whole session |
integer |
mac |
List of MAC addresses associated with the host, also from scan result |
list |
netid_name |
Name of a network ID |
string |
out_bytes_delta |
Same as outbytes_delta |
integer |
out_bytes_total |
Same as outbytes_total |
integer |
out_rate |
Outgoing traffic rate, which is out_bytes_delta / <stats update time interval> |
float |
outbytes_delta |
Number of bytes sent to the server by client since last update time |
integer |
outbytes_total |
Number of bytes sent by client to the server during the whole session |
integer |
outpkts_delta |
Number of packets sent to the server by client since last update time |
integer |
outpkts_total |
Number of packets sent to the server by client during the whole session |
integer |
remote_ip |
IP address of the remote entity involved in an event |
ip |
remote_ip_domain_creation |
Creation time of the domains associated with the IP address |
date |
remote_ip_geo |
Geo location information for the remote IP address |
object |
remote_ip_geo_point |
Geo point of the remote IP address |
string |
remote_ip_reputation |
Reputation of the remote IP address |
string |
remote_ip_reputation_source |
Source of the reputation data |
string |
remote_ip_type |
Type of the remote IP address |
string |
remote_ip_username |
Username associated with the remote IP address |
string |
remote_ip_usersid |
User ID associated with the IP address, for windows, windows SID is used |
string |
remote_ip_version |
Indicates if the IP address is IPv4 or IPv6 |
string |
remote_port |
Port of a remote entity involved in an event |
integer |
srcip |
Source IP address of the session |
ip |
srcip_assetid |
Asset ID associated with the source IP address |
string |
srcip_domain_creation |
Creation time of the domains associated with the source IP address |
date |
srcip_geo |
Geo location information for the source IP address |
object |
srcip_geo_point |
Geo point of the source IP address |
string |
srcip_geo2 |
Geo location of the earlier of two login records |
object |
srcip_host |
Hostname or DNS name for the source IP address |
string |
srcip_reputation |
Reputation of the source IP address identified by Threat Intelligence |
string |
srcip_reputation_source |
Source of the reputation data |
string |
srcip_sig_id |
Signature ID concatenated with srcip |
string |
srcip_tag |
Asset tag associated with the source IP address |
string |
srcip_type |
Type of the source IP address |
string |
srcip_username |
Username associated with the source IP address |
string |
srcip_usersid |
User ID associated with the source IP address, for windows, windows SID is used |
string |
srcip_version |
Indicates if the source IP address is IPv4 or IPv6 |
string |
srcmac |
Source MAC address |
string |
srcport |
Layer 4 source port |
integer |
state |
Current state of the session |
string |
suspicious_ips |
List of suspicious IP addresses that could do credential stuffing to a cloud service |
list |
tos |
Type of Service (ToS) value in IP header |
integer |
total_entropy |
Total entropy of DNS queries in a tunnel |
float |
totalbytes |
Number of total bytes received and sent by client for the whole session |
integer |
totalpackets |
Number of total packets received and sent by client for the whole session |
integer |

Field Name | Description | Data Type |
info | Host IP and MAC addresses for asset tracking | object |
scan_end | Timestamp of when the security scan ends | date |
scan_start | Timestamp of when the security scan starts | date |
vuln_count | Count of vulnerabilities | integer |
vulnerabilities | List of vulnerabilities | list_of_object |
vulnerability | Vulnerability information | object |

Field Name | Description | Index | Data Type |
data_sources | Integrations that discover or report the asset | Assets | array |
desc | Description (likely unused or used by the end user) | Assets | string |
device_class | Host and OS related info from a vulnerability scanner | Assets | string |
device_desc | Host and OS related info from a vulnerability scanner | Assets | string |
engid | ID of the sensor that discovers the asset | Assets | string |
engid_name | Name of sensor | Assets | string |
geoip | Geo location | Assets | string |
geo_point | Coordinates of the Geo location | Assets | string |
hostname | Hostname of asset | Assets | array |
id | Asset ID | Assets | string |
ip | IP address | Assets | array |
iphistory | List of IP addresses previously used by the current asset | Assets | object (ip, time) |
last_seen | Last time the asset is reported or updated | Assets | timestamp |
locid | Location of the data sensor if the location is assigned by the user from the GUI | Assets | string |
mac | MAC address | Assets | string |
name | Name of the asset | Assets | string |
os | OS-related info | Assets | string |
os_version | OS-related info | Assets | string |
reputation | IP reputation of the asset | Assets | string |
risk_score | Asset risk score | Assets | integer |
risk_score_hist | Asset risk score history | Assets | array |
start_time | Timestamp the current asset was first reported | Assets | timestamp |
state | State of the asset: new, approved, unapproved | Assets | string |
subtype | Asset type: router, server, client | Assets | string |
tag | Asset tag | Assets | string |
tenantid | Tenant ID | Assets | string |
tenant_name | Tenant name | Assets | string |
timestamp | Last_seen of the asset, used as timestamp in daily snapshot in ES | Assets | timestamp |
user_sid | Usersid in asset or user tracking | Assets | string |
vendor | Vendor of the asset, calculated from the MAC address | Assets | string |
vuln_score | Vulnerability score, calculated from vulnerabilities reported on the asset | Assets | integer |

Field Name | Description | Index | Data Type |
data_sources | Integrations that discover or report the user | Users | array |
desc | Description (likely unused or used by the end user) | Users | string |
engid | ID of the sensor that discovers the user | Users | string |
last_seen | Last time the asset is reported or updated | Users | timestamp |
last_seen_srcs | Last time the asset is reported or updated with the data source from which it is reported or updated | Users | object {"azure_ad": } |
last_updated | Last time the asset is reported or updated | Users | timestamp |
name | User name | Users | string |
name_srcs | User name with the data source from which the name is reported | Users | ojbect {"azure_ad":} |
profile | User profile from the data source | Users | object |
risk_score | User risk score | Users | integer |
risk_score_hist | User risk score history | Users | array |
search_key | Combination of username, sid, and other info for search optimization | Users | string |
sid | User Sid | Users | array |
tag | User tag | Users | string |
tag_srcs | User tag with the data source on which the tag is applied | Users | object {"azure_ad":} |
tenantid | Tenant ID | Users | string |
tenant_name | Tenant name | Users | string |
timestamp | Last_seen of the asset, used as timestamp in daily snapshot in ES | Users | timestamp |